写在前面 前段时间就想着要好好把python练一练,刚好最近hmv新出了一个labs,其实不是很难,但我还是要gpt帮助,算是把一些语法巩固了一下,昨晚还是觉得要记一下,不然做完了不回顾其实没什么增长。
levelx00 一开始还花了点时间理解这个lab要怎么打,第一关就是带入门,先看看整体代码逻辑
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 import socketimport base64HOST = "temperance.hackmyvm.eu" PORT = 9988 with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as s: s.connect((HOST, PORT)) print ('Receiving Intro' ) data = s.recv(1024 ) print (data) s.send(b'levelx00' ) print ('Receiving challenge.' ) data2 = s.recv(1024 ) print (data2) print ('Envio reto' ) s.send(data2) print ('Recibo flag' ) data3 = s.recv(1024 ) print (data3)
levelx06 “In this mission you will receive a string and you must return its length. (as string, not as int).”
1 2 字符->bytes:data.encode() bytes->字符:string.decode()
1 s.send((str (len (data2))).encode())
levelx08 “In this mission you will receive 2 numbers, you must return the result of adding both.”
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 data2 = s.recv(1024 ) print (data2) numbers=data2.split() print (numbers) result=(int (numbers[0 ]) + int (numbers[1 ])) print ('Envio reto' ) s.send(str (result).encode())
levelx09 rot13解密,直接找函数
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 def rot13 (i ): cipher = '' if i.isupper(): if 90 >= ord (i) + 13 : cipher += chr ((ord (i) + 13 - 65 ) % 26 + 65 ) else : cipher += chr ((ord (i) - 13 - 65 ) % 26 + 65 ) elif i.islower(): if 122 >= ord (i) + 13 : cipher += chr ((ord (i) + 13 - 97 ) % 26 + 97 ) else : cipher += chr ((ord (i) - 13 - 97 ) % 26 + 97 ) else : cipher += i return cipher
levelx10 “In this mission you will receive numbers separated by spaces, you must return them in order from smallest to largest and without separating them with spaces. “
接收:80 37 67 41 31 要返回:3137416780
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 data2 = data2.decode('utf-8' ) nums = data2.split() int_list = [int (item) for item in nums] sorted_list = sorted (nums) data3 = '' for i in sorted_list: data3 += i print ('Envio reto' ) s.send(data3.encode('ascii' ))
levelx13 “In this mission you receive a list of strings, you must sort them alphabetically and return the last string in the list. The characters “[“ and “]” must be removed.”
1 2 3 4 5 6 data2 = data2.decode('utf-8' ) data2 = data2[1 :-1 ] ss = data2.split() ss = sorted (ss) print ('Envio reto' )s.send(ss[-1 ].encode('ascii' ))
levelx17 “ In this mission you receive a 1 pixel png encoded in base64, you must decode it and return the last RGBA value.”
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 import imagesize from PIL import Image from io import BytesIO 。。。。。。。 data2 = data2.decode('utf-8' ) decoded_data = base64.b64decode(data2) image = Image.open (BytesIO(decoded_data)) rgba_data = image.convert("RGBA" ).getdata() print ('Envio reto' ) s.send(str (rgba_data[-1 ][-1 ]).encode())
levelx19 接收一段数据,base64解密,写入一个新建的zip,解压读取里面HMV.txt的内容
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 import zipfileimport osfrom io import BytesIO。。。。。。 data2 = data2.decode('utf-8' ) data2 = base64.b64decode(data2) zip_filename = "decoded_archive.zip" with open (zip_filename, "wb" ) as zip_file: zip_file.write(data2) with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_filename, 'r' ) as zip_ref: txt_filename = "HMV.txt" with zip_ref.open (txt_filename) as txt_file: txt_content = txt_file.read() print (txt_content)
levelx20 rockyou前五十个词作为字典,接收一个md5,去爆破找出原文是字典中的哪一个
命令行读取txt文件前五十行数据,head -n 50 rockuou.txt
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 common_passwords = [ "123456" ,"12345" ,"123456789" ,"password" ,"iloveyou" ,"princess" ,"1234567" ,"rockyou" , "12345678" ,"abc123" ,"nicole" ,"daniel" ,"babygirl" ,"monkey" ,"lovely" ,"jessica" ,"654321" ,"michael" , "ashley" ,"qwerty" ,"111111" ,"iloveu" ,"000000" ,"michelle" ,"tigger" ,"sunshine" ,"chocolate" ,"password1" , "soccer" ,"anthony" ,"friends" ,"butterfly" ,"purple" ,"angel" ,"jordan" ,"liverpool" ,"justin" ,"loveme" ,"fuckyou" , "123123" ,"football" ,"secret" ,"andrea" ,"carlos" ,"jennifer" ,"joshua" ,"bubbles" ,"1234567890" ,"superman" ,"hannah" ] def md5_hash1 (text ): return hashlib.md5(text.encode()).hexdigest() def crack_md5 (md5_hash ): for password in common_passwords: if md5_hash == md5_hash1(password): return password return None 。。。。。。 data2 = crack_md5(data2) s.send(data2.encode('ascii' ))
levelx25 接收到数据是个url,发送请求然后读取返回包的header
1 2 3 data2 = data2.decode('utf-8' ) response = requests.get(data2) header = response.headers.get('Hmv-Code' )
levelx26 生成一张图片,要识别出里面的内容
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 import pytesseractfrom PIL import Imagefrom io import BytesIO。。。。。。。 data2 = data2.decode('utf-8' ) decoded_data = base64.b64decode(data2) image = Image.open (BytesIO(decoded_data)) image.save("decoded_image.png" ) img = Image.open ("decoded_image.png" ) text = pytesseract.image_to_string(img)
levelx27 接收到数据是个url,发送请求然后返回的是/etc/passwd的内容,要提取里面用户proxy的uid
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 data2 = data2.decode('utf-8' ) response = requests.get(data2) html_content = response.text ll = html_content.split('\n' ) pp = ll[-3 ].split(':' ) print ('Envio reto' )s.send(str (pp[2 ]).encode()) 发送第三个字段也就是UID
levelx28 jwt解密
1 2 3 4 def extract_hmv_key (token ): decoded_token = jwt.decode(token, options={"verify_signature" : False }) hmv_key = decoded_token.get('HMVKey' ) return hmv_key
levelx29 发送两个坐标计算他们之间的距离,这个要用到特定的库(在此用umz的代码)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 from geopy.distance import geodesic。。。。。。 pattern = r"Lat: (\d+) Lon: (\d+) - Lat: (\d+) Lon: (\d+)" matches = re.match (pattern, data2) if matches: coord1 = (int (matches.group(1 )), int (matches.group(2 ))) coord2 = (int (matches.group(3 )), int (matches.group(4 ))) distance = geodesic(coord1, coord2).kilometers formatted_distance = "{:.3f}" .format (distance) s.send(formatted_distance.encode())
levelx31 要识别二维码,也是用到特定的库
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 import qrcodefrom PIL import Imagefrom pyzbar.pyzbar import decodeimport cv2def scan_qr_code (image_path ): image = Image.open (image_path) decoded_objects = decode(image) for obj in decoded_objects: print ('Type:' , obj.type ) print ('Data:' , obj.data) return obj.data 。。。。。。。。 data2 = data2.decode('utf-8' ) decoded_data = base64.b64decode(data2) image = Image.open (BytesIO(decoded_data)) image.save("qr.png" ) image = Image.open ("qr.png" ) img_path = 'qr.png' image.save(img_path) data2 = scan_qr_code(img_path)
levelx32 “In this mission you receive an md5 and a string. You must permute the string until it matches md5 and return the string.”
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 import hashlibimport itertools。。。。。。。 data2 = data2.decode('utf-8' ) md = data2.split()[0 ] key = data2.split()[1 ] permutations = itertools.permutations(key) for perm in permutations: perm_str = '' .join(perm) perm_md5 = hashlib.md5(perm_str.encode()).hexdigest() if perm_md5 == md: data2 = perm_str break
写完了 ai太牛了,一点一点调,加深对知识的印象,但是写完这个感觉自己蠢蠢的。。。